Thursday 18 December 2014


Like a closed fist
The heart takes no prisoners
And locks out daylight.

Heavy with fear and contempt
It rumbles within,
A revolving mass of magma.

A constant burning, tearing,
Ripping of flesh
From fiery bone.

A cell of anguish
A torture chamber
That one sentences themselves to.

Tuck yourself into your misery
Let your lungs fill with desire
And breathe a fire to destroy.

Or you will remember how to love.

Friday 24 October 2014

For Shame

Do you ever have that conversation every time you try to eat a chocolate bar or a cookie?

"Where do you think that's going?"
Why, in my stomach. Where else?
"Think about your sides and your gut that are growing!
Think about all the bulges and bumps that are showing!
Think about the calories your stowing
And the hot bod you're throwing away!"

And then you feel shitty and nasty
Nobody is going to want this fat ass
And to make yourself feel better you tell that little voice to go fuck itself
And eat everything chocolate or slightly fake and sugary in sight.

And then when you've popped the top button of your jeans
You sit down with an extra, extra, EXTRA large bowl of buttered popcorn
And watch the news.

A shooting.
A bombing.
A impoverished village in some remote part of the world you've never seen before.
A boy bullied because he doesn't understand why it's wrong to have a fairy sticker on his backpack.
A puppy mill with 40 dogs that can't see because their hair is matted in front of their eyes.
A soldier that died standing up for his country.
A spouse in emerg with broken bones because they said "no".

Why are we putting down humans for being fatter
Or skinnier
Or less perfect than Barbie?
Why does shame lie with innocent people
Who order dessert
Rather than start killing sprees?
We pay more attention to who's hot
And who's not
While the blood covered piggy goes "wee, wee, wee"
                                                                                              all the way home.

I think our little health-dictator voices inside need to look at the bigger picture.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Part 1: Love is like...

Love is like spaghetti.

You twirl it around your fork
Like a ballerina solo,
And when you lift it from your plate,
Red spots appear on your white polo.

Spaghetti is so disgustingly messy.
In one hand a fork, another a spoon,
Looking 'cross the table at your lover,
A slurping, sucking, idiotic baboon.

Spaghetti is the worst of all
It's frustrating like emotions.
Slipping and sliding and never cooperating
Causing all sorts of commotions.

But when you manage to cram a bite
Into your gaping gob
It's always so rich and soothing
And worth looking like a slob.

It's like conjouring old memories
When you need a quick fix
And people will always go back to it
No matter what's in the mix.

Love is so much like spaghetti
It frustrates you til you turn blue
But once you get to savour it
It'll always be there for you.

Monday 17 June 2013

She left the door to her heart open

She left the door to her heart open,
welcoming visitors and guests to stay,
but an angry southern wind rushed in
dashing 'round the house
knocking over stacks of feelings
and buckets of tears.

She cowered in the corner
Waiting for the wind to finish rustling through her thoughts,
Flipping over wishes
Smashing dreams
Revealing an ugly, brutal

Just as the wind came in
away it blows,
leaving a massive, interwoven mess.
She peeped around the corner
checking for any slight rustle
from a friendly creature.

One candle stayed alight,
hoping to catch her wavering, watering gaze,
and guide her back to a small window
into the deepest part of herself,
where, stowed willy nilly,
small reminders of herself lay
shining and golden.

Thursday 13 June 2013

GREAT Expectations

"Sweep my off my feet!" says she,
"I dream of racing moonbeams,
of sailing along a silent sea,
of drinking from coconuts b'neath a palm tree;
with you, and only you,
holding my hand,
stroking my hair,
taking in the tropical air.

"I see us running
making sweeter love than birds and bees;
I see us getting lost in cobbled streets
of our love in Paris.

"Why do you not reach beyond the stars,
Past the present to never ending bliss?
Why can't you care for me
more than a dove cares for its mate?
Why aren't you more passionate
than a wolf as he romances the moon?
O, why don't you love me
like Romeo loved Juliet?"

"I'm sorry, " says he,
his eyes sparkling in emerald green
"But I think your patriarchal notions of what should be
are ridiculously obscene."

Friday 24 May 2013

Cliche down?

They always tell you to live life to the fullest
Like there's no tomorrow
Because you only live once
And you're young, and meant to make mistakes.

They say that you should take chances
That you should spread your wings and fly
That you should reach for the stars
Because life is fleeting and precious and you don't want to regret anything.

Maybe they're right
Maybe we take for granted our time here
Maybe we are too self-conscious, too thrifty, too blind
To the amazing world in front of us.

But maybe I like to fret over the small things sometimes.
Maybe I worry and scrimp and save and keep caution close
Because my life and the people in it matter
Maybe I play by my own rules.

I say it's okay to get tied up in knots
If you know how to loosen them now and again.
I say I will care for you and respect you and be honest and maybe even love you
Because you matter more to me than they do.


Thursday 23 May 2013

Chocolate Gold coins

Richness is

A handful of chocolate gold coins
Shared between two best friends 
Sitting on the floor 
Swapping stories of their secret crushes.

A whirlwind of ideas
Swirling, spinning, dancing
To the well tuned orchestra
That is your mind.

A love shared
In secret doorways or the plazas of Spain
Where sparks fly from eye to eye
Igniting the air with raw passion.

A firm hug
That aims, not to rid you of sorrow
But at least soak up your tears
Until you've no more.

A chocolate gold coin split in two
Because someone dropped their last on the floor
And you would rather share what you have
Than lose a precious future.